Sunday, February 27, 2011

Also I probably should...

Also I probably should have bought a center piece of plexiglass as the version I have costs $57. So making this a not cheap project for a real listen

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Also I hadn't charged...

Also I hadn't charged up my batteries, so my power drill is useless. We'll probably buy a [...] and drill at Home Depot with an electric cord. listen

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First I miscalculated...

First I miscalculated the amount of lumber and now heading back to home depot for another 2 by 6. listen

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Winter gardening project....

Winter gardening project. Building a cold frame. Roughly based on version seen in fine gardening magazine. Already running into obstacles. listen

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Saturday, February 26, 2011

And instead are held...

And instead are held captive by the animal. listen

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[...] throw themselves...

[...] throw themselves at hungry lion expecting to be devoured instead of taken captive. listen

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